What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in humans. Over 5.4 million skin cancers were treated last year. 1 out of every 5 Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.

Skin cancer is caused by the sun. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes DNA damage in your skin cells. The skin cells, over time, start to grow abnormally. Skin cancer is preventable with sun protective behaviors and sunscreen.

There are many different types of skin cancer. The three most common are basal cell carcinomasquamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Most people have heard about melanoma because it is the most deadly, but it is not the most common. By far, the most common skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Did you know?

  1. If you are diagnosed with skin cancer, your risk of developing another skin cancer in 5 years is 50%.
  2. Daily sunscreen (SPF >15) use can decrease your risk of developing melanoma by 50%.
  3. Greater than 80% of non-melanoma skin cancers (basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas) occur on the head and neck. This is because the head and neck are constantly exposed to the sun. It is important to protect yourself with sunscreen and a broad-brimmed hat.

Skin cancer risk factors:

  • Indoor tanning
  • Sunburns
  • Skin type (fair/blond hair, blue eyes)
  • Cumulative sun exposure (UVA & UVB rays)
  • Genetics (family history of skin cancer)
  • Atypical moles

How to Prevent Skin Cancer?

Sun protective behaviors include the following:

  1. Daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen (UVA+UVB) with an SPF of 30 or greater. On cloudy days, 80% of UV radiation is hitting you.
  2. Sun protective clothing: UV sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats
  3. Seek shade or create your own – go for the shade under a tree, umbrella, or cabana
  4. Do NOT use tanning beds or sunlamps. The FDA labeled these carcinogens, meaning cancer-causing devices.
  5. Monthly self-skin examinations
    • Make sure you look everywhere, including your back, the back of your legs, your scalp, the bottoms of your feet, and in between your toes.
    • Use a hand mirror and full-length mirror to examine your back and the back of your legs.
    • Ask your hairdresser or a friend to look at your scalp.
    • Take photos with your smartphone; this provides a permanent medical record you can later use as a reference to see if a mole has changed.
  6. Annual skin exams by a board-certified dermatologist.

Early Detection of Skin Cancer

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following intervals for skin cancer screenings.

  1. Annual screening for patients without skin cancer starting at 65.
  2. Annual screening for patients with a history of Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
  3. Annual screening for patients with a history of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
  4. Annual or in many cases more frequent screening for patients with a history of Melanoma

Talk to your dermatologist about what screening interval makes sense given your risk factors.

How to take high-quality photos for your Skin Doctor:

  1. Make sure you are in a well-lit room with lots of light. Natural light is the best.
  2. Take your time and make sure the photos are in focus. When you zoom in, the photos should still be clear and not blurry. If the photo is blurry when you zoom in, the camera didn’t focus on the correct area.
  3. Then, take photos of an entire area, such as the left upper back, left lower back, right upper back, right lower back, left upper arm, left lower arm, etc.
  4. Next, take a close-up photo of the concerning spot. We recommend taking close-up photos with your camera 1 foot away from the lesion. A common mistake is to have the camera too close to the spot of concern.
  5. After you take these photos, look at them and zoom in to ensure they are not blurry.


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